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E-waste recycling

An action launched in 2017 by Quentin, Emil and Aida
























Before putting your broken phone in the E-waste box, make sure to delete your personal information. To do that, go to settings and click the “Reset” button. This will remove your personal information (including the password to get into the phone). This makes it possible for your phone to be refurbished without the next person who uses it being able to access your personal information.

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Our E-Waste Box is located in the ISB Tech Office.

You can deposit your old or non-working electronics (see list of accepted items in red). The content of the box is brought to the E-Waste Gowanus Warehouse.  It is very close to ISB, and you can bring all electronic waste that doesn't fit in our box directly there.

The E-Waste Gowanus Warehouse is a great place to buy refurbished electronics for a lower price, as well as props for movies and video games.

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List of accepted items

Electronic Games






Computers and Accessories

 The club bringing items from the e-waste box to the E-waste Center in June 2018 (from left: Teo, Quentin, Samuel, Emil and Aida).

E-waste Documentary! 

By: Quentin and Emil

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